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Eco-rockers Holly and Kevin from The Wilds band bring their show with kids ages 5-13 online, learning about ecological stewardship through the fun of singing original songs together and outdoor explorations of habitats. The series is co-hosted by their boisterous marionette friend, Stage Boy, and includes kid reporters, creative submissions from young viewers and guest experts.

We are proud to announce the addition of our Voices of Nature Rocks
to The Green Channel. Check out their ever growing line up of amazing content and if you subscribe, and when they ask how you heard of them,
please tell them VON Rocks sent you!
Pilot Episode 1 - Watersheds
This episode features “The Watershed Song” performed live at the Jubilee Auditorium in Edmonton, with 2200 singers from schools throughout Edmonton. Stage Boy learns about how a watershed works from Ian Bruce from Peninsula Streams. Our International Correspondant in the UK, 11-year old Harrison Lincoln tells us about the watershed where he lives. Stage Boy discovers a pile of old tires sitting in the forest, and shares tips for getting rid of them... properly... by recycling them! We gratefully acknowledge the support of Tire Stewardship BC.

Episode 1 Sponsor PSA - Tire Spotting
Excerpt from the show - PSA/music video created for Tire Stewardship BC featuring Stage Boy and The Wilds. Stage Boy spots some old tires and wants to get rid of them... properly. Find out more about recycling old tires!
Pilot Episode 2 - Douglas Fir Trees
This episode features “Mr. Douglas” performed live at the Jubilee Auditorium in Edmonton, with 2200 singers from schools throughout Edmonton. Stage Boy learns a little bit about Douglas Fir Trees from Ian Bruce from Peninsula Streams. Our International Correspondent in the UK, 11-year old Harrison Lincoln tells us about the British Red Foxes that he's been studying from his yard. Stage Boy attempts to show The Wilds how to change oil and antifreeze on a vehicle but soon discovers he's waaay over his head! We gratefully acknowledge the support of Interchange Recycling.

Episode 2 Sponsor PSA - Under the Hood
Excerpt from the show - PSA/music video created for the BC Used Oil Management Association. Find out more about how used oil, antifreeze, oil filters and containers are recycled.
formerly BC Used Oil Management Association
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